samedi 19 février 2011

Appel régional à candidatures 2011-2012 : Bourses de Master

L’appel à candidatures est ouvert du 10 février 2011 au 31 mars 2011 (Minuit heure de Port-au-Prince).

La Délégation Caraïbe de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) porte à la connaissance des étudiants et des enseignants des universités membres de l’AUF dans la Caraïbe, que l’appel régional à candidatures pour les bourses de mobilité de niveau Master pour l’année académique 2011-2012 est lancé.

Cette offre de mobilité s’adresse aux étudiants pour une formation leur permettant de préparer un diplôme de niveau Master dans une autre université membre de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF).

Le dossier de candidature comprend :

    * Formulaire de demande de bourse :

          o Vous devez vous inscrire sur le site ici :

    * Règlement des bourses (.pdf, 462,4 ko).

Cet appel à candidatures s’adresse aux établissements membres de l’AUF de la région Caraïbe :
Nom de l’établissement    Ville    Pays
Centre de Techniques de Planification et d’Economie Appliquée    Port-au-Prince    Haïti
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Technologie    Port-au-Prince    Haïti
Ecole Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haïti    Port-au-Prince    Haïti
Institut Universitaire Quisqueya Amérique    Port-au-Prince    Haïti
Université Action pour l’Education et la Culture    Saint-Domingue    République dominicaine
Université Caraïbe    Port-au-Prince    Haïti
Université d’Etat d’Haïti    Port-au-Prince    Haïti
Université de La Havane    La Havane    Cuba
Université des Antilles et de la Guyane    Pointe-à-Pitre    France
Université des Indes Occidentales    Kingston    Jamaïque
Université Épiscopale d’Haïti    Port-au-Prince    Haïti
Université Notre-Dame d’Haïti    Port-au-Prince    Haïti
Université Pontificale Catholique Madre y Maestra    Saint-Domingue    République dominicaine
Université Publique de l’Artibonite    Gonaïves    Haïti
Université Publique du Nord au Cap-Haïtien    Cap-Haïtien    Haïti
Université Publique du Sud aux Cayes    Les Cayes    Haïti
Université Quisqueya    Port-au-Prince    Haïti

Le dossier de candidature doit être complété en ligne à l’adresse :

L’appel à candidatures est ouvert du 10 février 2011 au 31 mars 2011 (Minuit heure de Port-au-Prince).

lundi 14 février 2011

Poste d'agrégé (MAD) à pourvoir au Service du Dictionnaire de l'Académie française




♦ Poste à pourvoir :
• 1 poste destiné à un professeur agrégé de lettres modernes, de lettres classiques ou de grammaire, affecté dans l'enseignement secondaire (en activité ou en disponibilité).
Situation administrative : mise à disposition (MAD), au Service du Dictionnaire l'Académie française (Institut de France) pour une durée de 2 ans, éventuellement renouvelable.

♦ Conditions générales :
Lieu d'exercice : Académie française, Palais de l'Institut de France, 23 quai de Conti, Paris 6e arrdt.
Durée hebdomadaire du travail : 39 heures (avec jours de R.T.T.). Compte tenu des nécessités du service, aucune décharge horaire (mi-temps, temps partiel) ne peut être accordée à l'arrivée dans le poste.
Congés annuels : 35 jours ouvrables.
Rémunération : correspondant à l'échelon de l'enseignant dans le corps des agrégés.
Date d'entrée en fonction : 1er septembre 2011.
Aucune charge d'enseignement n'entre dans les attributions correspondant à ce poste.

Nature des activités :
• Recherches lexicographiques et documentaires dans le cadre de la préparation du tome IV de la neuvième édition du Dictionnaire de l'Académie ; révision du texte de l'édition précédente (1935) et rédaction de projets d'articles soumis à la Commission du Dictionnaire.
• Réponse au courrier adressé au Service sur des questions de langue, d'orthographe et de grammaire.
• Tâches éditoriales en rapport avec la publication du Dictionnaire de l'Académie française.

Compétences requises :
• Savoir rédiger avec clarté, concision et élégance, en se conformant à l'esprit du Dictionnaire de l'Académie et en respectant les contraintes formelles qui lui sont propres.
• Posséder une vaste culture générale et une grande curiosité d'esprit, pour être à même de collaborer à la rédaction d'articles relevant de domaines très variés (droit, musique, beaux-arts, sport, philosophie, religion, etc.).
• Faire preuve d'une réelle aptitude au travail en équipe : la nature spécifique des tâches assurées par les rédacteurs du Service du Dictionnaire (une dizaine d'agrégés) exige à toutes les étapes une concertation constante.
• Bonne maîtrise de l'outil informatique (traitements de texte courants, partage de documents, expérience du travail en réseau et sur intranet).
Des connaissances préalables en linguistique ou en lexicologie ne sont pas requises ; une expérience dans le domaine de la lexicographie serait appréciée, mais ne constituera pas un critère décisif de recrutement.

Pièces du dossier :
• Lettre de candidature
• Curriculum vitae
Les candidatures doivent être impérativement adressées avant le 25 février 2011 au Directeur de cabinet du Secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie française
Par voie postale :
23, quai de Conti
CS 90 618
75270 Paris cedex 06
Par voie électronique, à l'adresse suivante :

vendredi 11 février 2011

Contemporary Dance Duets Festival Diversia

23-25 September, Kostroma, Russia (deadline: 30 April)

Contemporary Dance Duets Festival Diversia will take place in Kostroma, Russia, 23-25 September. The organisers call for 15-45 minutes contemporary dance performances with two performers on stage.

Applications must be postmarked by April, 30th.

Submission packages must include:
1. completed application form with all information available:
2. company (duet) CV
3. DVD of the proposed work

Please, send completed packages to this address:
Russia, Kostroma, 156002, st. Erohova, 3a
STANTSIA art-venue
*application for Diversia 2011

Diversia Festival covers full accommodation for the participants and assists with a travel. Diversia Festival does not pay a fee.

For any questions contact with Ivan Estegneev:

Bourse doctorale Edouard Glissant

D'un montant de 5000 €, attribuée à un(e) étudiant(e) sélectionné(e) sur appel à candidatures (dossier et entretien avec le jury), la Bourse Edouard Glissant concerne les doctorants répondant aux critères suivants :

- être inscrit(e) au moins en 2ème année de doctorat à l'Université Paris 8 pour l'année universitaire 2010-2011,
- présenter un projet de recherche sur le thème de la diversité culturelle, du partage des savoirs et la pluralité des expériences de pensée, dans l'esprit des travaux d'Edouard Glissant,
- mener si possible des travaux de recherche de façon itinérante dans des environnements culturels différents.

Le dossier de candidature doit être constitué en 2 exemplaires et comprendre  :
- un CV,
- une lettre de motivation,
- un projet de recherche,
- un exemplaire du mémoire de DEA ou Master,
- les publications et travaux éventuels,
- l'avis motivé du directeur de recherche (ou des directeurs en cas de co-direction ou de cotutelle) et du directeur de l'Ecole doctorale,
- l'engagement du directeur de recherche à encadrer la préparation de la conférence du lauréat et à participer à la manifestation pour le Prix Edouard Glissant,
- l'attestation d'inscription en thèse.
Les candidats seront convoqués et auditionnés par le Comité scientifique de la bourse et du prix Edouard Glissant

Date limite de dépôt du dossier : 31 mars 2011

Dépôt des dossiers auprès de Sandrine Marsaudon
Université Paris 8,
Service de la recherche
Bureau A 2274
2 rue de la Liberté 93526 Saint-Denis Cedex
Mail : / Tel : 01. 49 40 67 55

Research Fellowship Europe

The Center for Media and Communication Studies (CMCS) at Central European University (CEU) has vacancies for two Research Fellows to commence in spring 2011; the length of stay is six months, with the possibility of extending up to an additional twelve months. For the media and communications policy fellow, applicants should have specialization in the field of media and communications policy and regulation within the fields of audiovisual media services, electronic networks and services including the Internet, as well as governance of and ownership within these sectors, and be able to conduct comparative policy analysis.

An additional fellowship is available for a researcher with specializations among the following areas: social media;
civil society and communications; alternative and / or community media,the impact of new technologies; online free expression; or privacy concerns.Research fellows will be expected conduct their own research project and participate in the development of ongoing Center
activities and workshops related to their field of interest.  Applicants should be at the level of junior scholars, post-doctoral scholars, or advanced PhD students.  Research stipend is commensurate with
Letters of interest with a CV, research proposal or abstract and copy of recent scholarly article should be sent to on or before February 15, 2011. Please note in your letter the requested time frame and amount of time you are available for and arliest start date.Citizens of countries in Central and Eastern Europe (except EU member states), the former Soviet Union or Mongolia holding a Ph.D. or equivalent, who are affiliated with a teaching or research institution in those countries, can also pursue a research fellowship with CMCS by following the application procedure
described here. 

Ph D in Social Sciences Germany

Applicants may submit their applications via the BGSS online platform at from January 3 to February 16, 2011.

Research proposals should relate to the comparative analysis of the
following research areas and topics. The combination of areas and topics is

- social inequality and well-being
- social protest and social conflict
- migration and cultural diversity
- the clash and the management of collective identities

- performance of mature and young democracies
- processes of democratization, and the resilience of autocracy
- multilevel and multinational policy
- political institutions, political conflict, and the welfare state

- scientific knowledge in processes of policy-making
- the impact of science and religion on processes of inclusion and
- communicating knowledge in public spheres
- the governance of science

Admission is based on academic excellence and is open to students with a
Master's degree or equivalent in the social sciences (sociology, political
science and neighbouring disciplines). We expect a high-level knowledge of
current theoretical debates in the social sciences and in-depth knowledge of
either quantitative or qualitative techniques of social research as well as
a commitment to empirical research. English proficiency at an academic level
is assumed.

For further information please visit or contact the
BGSS via

vendredi 4 février 2011

Effective Communication Course on Climate Change in Scotland

A course designed for professionals and individuals active on climate change who want to communicate their message confidently and effectively. 95% of participants on the last course thought the quality of training to be `Excellent'. ` Really Useful clarity on communicating climate change. Excellent!' Rona Gold (West Lothian Council) ` Extremely good day, Thank you!' Kate Hogarth (Scottish Environment Protection Agency – SEPA) `Enjoyed it all – great job.' Kathleen Kirkness (Changeworks)

Location The Melting Pot, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2PR
Date Thursday 17th February 2011, 10.00-16.00

Climate change will affect everyone and everywhere. The challenge will require action
by everyone, everywhere. So we need the skills to be able to communicate climate change as confidently and appropriately as possible.

You do not need to be an expert or a scientist: you do need to be good at talking, presenting and listening. Work will be done in small groups to build your confidence and ensure the course meets your needs.

This popular course is regularly updated to take in developing issues and concerns. It recognises the need to communicate positive futures as well as significant problems.
The training session will provide:

1. Why good communication of climate change is so important and what `good' communication means
in a climate context.
2. Ways to answer the difficult questions around current climate change issues and data.
3. Learn about target audiences, key drivers and current segmentation methodology.
4. Communicating with people in different situations: persuading colleagues – lobbying situations – talking to friends – working with business – addressing a large audience.
5. Engaging and communicating with diverse organisations.
6. Practice delivering persuasive messages and
a chance to receive feedback.

Who should attend the training:
This course is for anyone who is keen to get people active on climate change. Whether you are a local authority, charity or business advocating action on climate change, or an individual talking to your peers, this course will teach you the core skills to effectively
get your message across.
£288: Large charities, public sector and businesses
£130: Smaller charities (under 8 staff) and independent consultants
Concessionary price for students, pensioners and unemployed. Please send £20 cheque to Talk Action,
The Grayston Centre, 28 Charles Square, London N1 6HT
Tailored courses can be arranged for groups at a date and location to suit you.
Prices include a vegan/vegetarian lunch, Fair Trade refreshments and networking time.

Facilitated by: Chris Church
Chris Church has worked in the voluntary sector and as a consultant for over 25 years. He is an experienced advisor on community and sustainable development issues, with a wide range of experience at international, national, and community level. He is an associate of the Community Development Foundation and a member of the London Sustainable Development Commission. Chris is chair of the UK Local Carbon Communities Network.
Chris has previously worked with the Community Sector Coalition, the National Trust, BTCV, Defra, Groundwork, the European Union TACIS programme, Surfers Against Sewage and many local councils. He is trained as a teacher and has been developing and running training programmes for 22 years.

Tel: 0207 324 4774

jeudi 3 février 2011

PhD & MA scholarships and bursaries in UK

PhD & MA scholarships and bursaries in the School of Modern Languages at the University of Leicester for 2011-12

The school is delighted to advertise several new opportunities to join our growing community of postgraduates to begin in October 2011.

Details are available at:

Closing date for all applications: 31 March 2011. 

Potential applicants wanting to first make an informal enquiry should contact Prof. Kirsten Malmkjaer (Translation Studies) or Dr Marina Spunta (Modern Languages):

Prof. Kirsten Malmkjaer

    * Email:
    * Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2663 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +44 (0)116 252 2663      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Dr Marina Spunta

    * Email:
    * Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2658

Assistant Professors Needed

The Department of Romance Languages at Bowdoin College invites applications for two one-year, full-time Assistant Professor of French positions beginning in fall 2011, with a possibility for renewal for one of the positions.

The department seeks candidates who can teach language, literature and culture courses at all levels, and has an area of specialization in 19th and 20th-century French literature and culture and/or francophone literature and culture.  Candidates who have worked in film and media studies are particularly encouraged to apply.  Candidates must have native or near-native fluency in French and provide evidence of teaching excellence.  Ph.D. preferred, ABD considered.  Successful candidates will teach four courses a year and have the opportunity to apply for research and course development support.

Bowdoin College is accepting only electronic submissions.  Please visit to submit letter of application, curriculum vitae, evidence of teaching excellence, and the names of three references who will provide letters of recommendation.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

A highly selective liberal arts college on the Maine coast with a diverse student body made up of 29% students of color, 3% International students and approximately 15% first generation college students, Bowdoin College is committed to equality and diversity and is an equal opportunity employer.  We encourage inquiries from candidates who will enrich and contribute to the cultural, socio-economic, and ethnic diversity of our college. Bowdoin College does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, color, religion, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, veteran status, national origin, or disability status in employment, or in our education programs.  Please visit for further information.

mercredi 2 février 2011

Arts Residency in London

Attic Arts is a residency programme at the Romanian Cultural Institute in London offering time (2 months) and space (the cosy studio of the Institute) for Romanian artists to work in a major urban centre that provides a distinctive mix of cultures, of ethnic communities, of tradition and innovation.

 The resident artists have the opportunity to experience the unique London environment, research innovative ideas and network with professionals in the field.

The resident artists will develop the project proposed in the application form, which will subsequently be presented at the ICR London or external premises as appropriate. The residents will acknowledge the Attic Arts programme in any public communication of their projects.


Goals of the Programme

    * to create opportunities for Romanian artists to engage directly with British cutting edge art scene and develop a partnership project on a previously identified theme;
    * to create an ICR London based pool of artworks and projects, which can be subsequently presented through the ICR global network, showcasing Romanian creativity to international audiences;
    * to foster dialogue and extend professional networks between Romanian and British cultural producers;
    * to raise the profile of the London Romanian Cultural Institute in Romania and in the UK as a valuable partner for collaborative art programmes.

Who can apply?

Any Romanian citizen who is pursuing creative projects in: visual arts; curating and art critique; museology; music and musicology; cultural journalism; translations; architecture, urbansim and design; literature and creative writing; dance, performing arts and film; cultural heritage; cultural management; social sciences (history and the history of ideas; philosophy; sociology; psychology; anthropology etc.).

What we offer

    * residency grant of 1700 Euro / residency / month;
    * 2 months accommodation in the cosy studio of the Institute in 1 Belgrave Square, next door to Buckingham Palace, Royal Albert Hall and the Serpentine Gallery;
    * the opportunity to initiate and develop new work;
    * the opportunity to experiment new possibilities and directions in the production of collaborative work with British fellow professionals.

Number of residencies

There will be awarded 4 residencies per year.

How to apply

Please provide the following documents:

    * application form (download the document)
    * work portfolio, max. 4 examples: photos (JPG, max. size 1MB each) / audio&video files (total max. size 4MB) / text (max 3 pages format A4). Oversized work will not be accepted.

Application deadline: 1 February 2011, 18:00h (GMT + 2).

A second round of applications will be organised only if all the 4 resident artists will not be selected in February.

The project proposal and the applicant must match the criteria below

    * relevant artistic quality and interest for current approaches in the field in the UK;
    * ability to identify partnerships with UK individuals or organisations, with whom can develop the project;
    * preparedness to present the project at the end of the residency or within, at most, 1 year of the residency completion, depending on the nature of the project;
    * ability to speak and write fluently in English.

Demonstrable artistic quality, ability to identify partnerships and development potential are the decisive factors here.

Please send the application documents by e-mail to atticarts @

Artist Residencies in the Netherlands

The residencies are meant for foreign artists, who want to live and work in Rotterdam for a minimum period of half a year, up to a maximum period of a year. In the Old - Charlois district the artists has the opportunity to cooperate with a vivid and young artist community, and with other artists in residences in Rotterdam.

As from September 2009 the Hommes Foundation offers two Artist in
Residences spaces in Rotterdam – Charlois. They are situated next to
the exhibition space Hommes (

We ask the artist to work on a project during the residence which has
a relation with urban issues or is a continuation of a work which was
created during an earlier stay in Rotterdam.

Because the stairs to go up is not to wide, the studio’s are not
convenient for making big physical works like paintings or sculptures.
The studios are recently renovated and furnished. The measure is 60
and 63 m². Both have a own shower, toilet,kitchen with equipment,
bedroom, heating and internet connection. The rent is € 425 for the
first floor and € 450 for the second floor per the January 2011, which
includes all the costs for energy, heating, furnishing, insurance and
internet. If you will stay there with your partner the rent is € 25

The studio on the first floor is available per 1 May 2011 (and 1
November) and the one on the second might be available per 1 April
2011 (is not 100 % sure).

Artists who are interested in applying to the residency thereafter,
are invited to do so until the 1st of February 2011, by sending a CV,
motivation, and the project proposal to The selection
process will take place in February 2011, you will hear the result in
the second half of February.

Deadline: 2011/02/01

Research Grants Development

Within the framework of Danish development assistance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark hereby invites applications for research grants related to development research
1. Objectives of the support to development research
The objective of the support is to generate knowledge in order to promote the overall objective of the Danish development assistance to reduce poverty and support sustainable development.
Grants will be awarded to research projects generating new knowledge relevant to the needs and strategies of the developing countries and relevant to Denmark’s development assistance. Furthermore, it is important that the research contribute to the research capacity building in developing countries.

2. Research themes for 2011
The themes as described with each their headline should explicitly and to the greatest extent possible be addressed and accommodated in the application. The implication is that for Theme 1, the impact of the research proposed should explicitly be linked to the issue of Climate and Climate Change, while for Theme 2 the focus is on Economic Growth and for theme 3 on Fragile States and how the research proposed may contribute to an improved understanding of factors affecting peace and stability. The text following each theme provides indicative examples only.

In 2011, the following research themes are of particular interest to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because of their relevance to development.

Theme 1: Climate, energy and sustainable use of natural resources

 Theme 2: Economic growth, employment and property rights

Theme 3: Fragile states, conflict and civil society

3. Types of grants
Applications can only be submitted by an organisation, such as a governmental institution, business enterprise or private organisation in Denmark. The main applicant must be attached to the Danish organisation, which will be responsible for the approved project.
Applications must be Larger strategic research programmes (> DKK 5 million) with substantive elements of capacity building and with focus on national priorities and ownership in developing countries.
In addition, a limited number of individual PhD and post-doc applications covering a single researcher can be funded. In 2011 the amount available for individual research projects will be limited to around 10 mill. DKK and applicants applying for PhD grants are recommended to provide proof of co-funding arrangements.

All larger strategic research applications will to go through a prequalification process.

Deadline for prequalification applications for larger strategic projects will be Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 12.00 noon. The conclusions of the prequalification process will be known before the end of January 2011.

Deadline for larger strategic prequalified projects will be Friday March 18, 2011 at 12.00 noon.

Deadline for individual PhD and post-doc applications will be Friday February 11, 2011 at 12.00 noon.

Priority will be given to larger strategic research projects/programmes with joint collaboration between several Danish institutions and partners in the South and to applications where PhD educations and post-doc projects are incorporated into larger research programmes.

In the assessment of the quality of the applications, individual PhD and post-doc as well as larger strategic applications, the innovative nature of the research will be central.

For larger research projects, grant applications may generally be submitted for phases of 3-5 year durations.

PhD educations to students from partner countries can only be supported if they are part of a larger strategic project and are enrolled at an institution in their own country, as described in the guide to applicants.
4. Application requirements
The application should be submitted electronically before the abovementioned deadlines to the Research Unit, Danida Fellowship Centre at email:


Cooperation in Cultural Projects (photography)

Euroarte Association is currently looking for Partners, cultural institutions/organizations in order to develop long term cooperation for cultural projects.

Euroarte Association is a Romanian NGO promoting visual arts and culture, especially photography.

If your organization has a focus on photography or visual arts and you would like to be our Partner for future Photography related projects, please contact us.

You will see below a list of Euroarte Projects implemented by us until now:

    * Meeting Place Izbiceni – September 2010, Youth in Action Project;
    * Homo Videns 2– visual expression for death and dumb, July 2010, Youth in Action Project;
    * Izbiceni Photo Camp – May 2010;
    * Euroarte Camp – Youth in Action Project
    * Documentary film, co production with TVR television : "The Cat house";
    * Homo Videns – visual expression for death and dumb, March 2009, Youth in Action Project;
    * 4 Monthly Photography Workshops "The photographer's Coffee shop";
    * Photo happening 1 March 2008;
    * Photography Workshop with Ami Vitale- September 2008;
    * Eforie 2008 Photo Camp;
    * Busteni 2007 Photo Camp;
    * Sancrai 2007 Equestrian Photo Camp;
    * Group Photo Exhibition: " Being equal in difference" at the Belgian-Romanian culture House ARTHIS, Brussels 2008;
    * Launch of online Photo Magazine, April 2007 – ongoing.

Please send us your contact coordinates and the details of the person in charge of the partnership, as well as a few words about your organization, by email, at

Deadline: 2011/02/1